Friday, August 10, 2012

Camping in Glacier 8/4/12

Lot's of bites but no fish.

9:30 am as fog was rolling off the lake
Joe and I got a bit of a late start when we went camping last weekend, so when we got to the backpacking permit center the only campsites available were on the west side of the park. We did a 5 mile hike into Logging Lake which brought us to a surprisingly serene campsite. The lake was warm enough to swim and you could hear Lune's throughout the night. Pretty good trip for my first time in Glacier, I hope to get back there this summer.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Post

I've been taking pictures since I was in about 8th grade, but I'm pretty new to this whole blog thing. Let's kick this blog off with some of my favorite pictures that I've taken over the past few years.

Grand Teton national park

My favorite right here. Barely spotted her under the hay-bail in time to pull over

Max on Mt Sentinel

Missoula Valley